Streamr community users on zonaris.
Hosted Streamr nodes on zonaris.
Total Staked Value on zonaris.
$1M +
Why zonaris?

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Rewards Calculator
Let us do the math - calculate your Streamr staking rewards with zonaris.
The effective or actual earnings or rewards of the user depend on many dynamic variables (directly or indirectly) used in the calculator. Any results presented are based on prediction formulas and we do not guarantee any kind of accuracy of the data, earnings or rewards so presented. Please read our DISCLAIMER for further information.
Streamr community ❤️ @zonaris

"zonaris is the easiest thing I've ever come across! A few clicks and you're making money... I can only recommend that you won't find anything better!"
Benjamin Frenklin
Community member with over 50 nodes.
“I have deployed a few Streamr data broker nodes via zonaris since launch into beta. It literally took me 1 click per node. My nodes have been claiming 100% of the reward codes since then.”
Streamr & Swash Ambassador
with over 35 nodes.
"As Head of Ecoystem at Streamr, I can confidently attest to the exceptional value that zonaris has brought to our network."
Matthew Fontana
Head of Streamr Ecosystem